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Cieli by George Paraskevaides

$ 39 .00


Per creare questa collezione di 25 magnetici cieli notturni, l'astrofotografo George Paraskevaides ha atteso insieme al suo astroinseguitore le notti perfette, vale a dire con il cielo terso e senza umidità. Il frutto del suo duro lavoro sono queste immagini della Via Lattea e della Galassia di Andromeda scattate con un valore di ISO molto basso per ottenere risultati eccezionali. Non preoccuparti del rumore. Con questo pacchetto potrai aggiungere alle tue foto tutta la magia del cielo di notte con splendide nebulose, stelle brillanti e comete da sogno.

Cosa è incluso

25 captivating night skies


Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO

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Utilizzando i file RAW forniti, potrai mettere facilmente in pratica i consigli di ritocco e imparare a ottenere foto come queste.

© George Paraskevaides
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© George Paraskevaides
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© George Paraskevaides
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© George Paraskevaides
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© George Paraskevaides
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© George Paraskevaides
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Skies included in the pack

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George Paraskevaides

Storm Chaser, Landscape Photographer, Wedding Photographer

Since Georges was a child, he was excited to experience the beauty of nature. He was fascinated by the glorious sunsets and the storms he witnessed growing up. Slowly, Georges started taking photos and videos with his mobile phone.

In 2017, he made the decision to venture into photography as a more serious occupation and bought his first digital camera. And that’s how Georges started the journey in the world of landscape photography, making storms his main photography theme.

In 2021, Georges took part in a global competition with the theme of storms for the first time and managed to become one of the top ten contestants!

Now based in Cyprus, he continues chasing storms, capturing breathtaking landscapes, and occasionally providing wedding photography services.

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