Anniversary Sale offer
Anniversary Sale offer
Festeggia 3 anni di Luminar Neo
con SCONTI FINO AL 75% + regali 🎁
Un solo slider con algoritmo intelligente bilancia fino a una decina di controlli fondamentali, tra cui ombre, luci, contrasto, tono, saturazione, esposizione e dettagli. Utilizza Migliora con AI e getta le basi per ulteriori modifiche.
Aggiungi facilmente vividezza e contrasto per rendere più accattivanti le tue foto. Fai uscire dall'ombra qualsiasi soggetto o dettagli e donagli risalto con un risultato colorato e ad alta risoluzione.
Migliora automaticamente il cielo
Recupera i dettagli e migliora la texture del cielo e delle nuvole senza perdere in qualità con Migliora cielo. Puoi regolare in maniera selettiva luminosità, contrasto, saturazione e vividezza.
Accessibile a tutti grazie a un'interfaccia semplice e intuitiva.
Sostituisci i cieli, migliora paesaggi e ritratti, tutto con tool basati sull'AI.
Scopri un'ampia gamma di strumenti come livelli, mascheramenti e regolazioni locali.
Utilizzalo su Windows, macOS o come plugin per Photoshop e Lightroom.
Ottieni rapidamente risultati professionali e un look omogeneo in tutte le tue foto.
Ricevi con cadenza regolare aggiornamenti e nuove funzionalità.
Thanks to advanced AI Enhancer technologies, you get more than a dozen intelligent controls working in harmony to significantly improve your photo’s quality, making it look its best with Luminar Neo.
Certainly! AI Photo Enhancer is designed to automatically improve your photos while maintaining their natural look. You have full control over the enhancement process through an adjustable slider, allowing you to fine-tune the intensity of the effect to your liking.
Absolutely! Enhance AI is super easy and intuitive. Simply move the slider and witness the magic. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, let's enhance your photos together with AI Image Enhancer!
The Enhance AI tool in Luminar Neo is a powerful AI Picture Enhancer. It features two user-friendly sliders that harness AI's power to enhance your photos. Enhance AI automatically analyzes and corrects your image, offering control over adjustments' intensity
Accent AI uses a multitude of controls to yield naturally beautiful results with one simple slider. This tool substitutes many traditional controls including shadows, highlights, contrast, and more, enhancing photo quality instantly.
Sky Enhancer AI, part of our Photo Enhancer AI suite, detects and refines the sky in your images, improving texture, tone, and colors. It distinguishes between various elements, ensuring perfect masking and sky enhancement, from dawn till dusk
Our AI Enhance Photo technology, Enhance AI, is available in Luminar Neo, usable as standalone software or as a plugin for Lightroom and Photoshop.
Yes, Absolutely! Explore the capabilities of Luminar Neo and its AI Enhance feature with a free trial. Download today and start enhancing your photos with our advanced AI Picture Enhancement technology.
When seeking the best AI Quality Enhancer, consider Luminar Neo. It seamlessly combines traditional editing with advanced AI, including features like Sky AI and Enhance AI, for effortless one-click image improvements.
In Luminar Neo, enhancing photos with AI is straightforward. Adjust the sliders or use one-click solutions for instant improvements, and manually fine-tune to perfect your image with our Image AI Enhancer.