Create dramatic stylistic changes and unique artistic pictures with selective color photography in Luminar Neo. It’s an editing technique that allows you to adjust individual tones, and an essential tool for subtle color corrections.
View plansUse black and white conversion to achieve selective colorization
Luminar Neo Convert to B&W tool gives you access to luminance and saturation for red, yellow, green, cyan, magenta, and blue.
Achieve subtle color corrections with the HSL filter
The HSL tool in Color allows you to selectively adjust the hue, saturation, and luminance of an individual color. You can work with red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple, and magenta.
Work directly on highlights and shadows
Color tint photo editor Luminar Neo has Color Balance that allows you to change the color of just highlights, just midtones, just shadows, or both highlights and shadows. It also has a Split Color Warmth filter, which is useful if you need to change the color of cool and warm tones.
Even though it’s a subjective matter, there are some general guidelines that can help you achieve accurate and pleasing color corrections.
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