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Resize Images Without
Losing Quality

Luminar Neo is a powerful photo software that makes it easy to resize your images and edit them. Resize a picture in less than a minute without losing the quality of the image

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The Purpose of Photo Resizing

Whether you need to optimize your photos for printing or social media, have limited storage space, or need to transfer smaller files, it’s important to use a good image size converter so you don’t lose quality. Luminar Neo does the job perfectly.


How to Resize an Image in Luminar Neo?

In Luminar Neo, you can resize a photo to a specific aspect ratio in the Crop AI tool by selecting the ratio from the dropdown.

Or you can resize an image to a specific pixel size when you export. It’s super easy!

Reduce Image Size Without Losing Quality

When using a picture resolution changer, it’s important to balance reducing the file size and maintaining sufficient image quality.

With Luminar Neo, you don’t have to worry about your results. Maintain the high quality of your photos and keep any important details or clarity intact.

Be Flexible When Resizing Images

No matter what you’ve captured, any photo may need resizing. Resize a profile picture for a website, optimize an image for a wall print, or resize a bigger file to send it to your friend faster. 

For Social Media

Enhance your social media presence by effortlessly resizing images while preserving their exceptional quality.

For Printing

Resize images flawlessly, ensuring stunning printouts with sharp details and vibrant colors.

For Optimizing Storage and Faster Transfer

Maximize storage efficiency by resizing images without sacrificing their remarkable quality. Swiftly resize images without compromising their excellence, enabling seamless and rapid file sharing across various platforms.

Explore Other Features

Luminar Neo has plenty of other features to help you edit faster and easier
Blend Two Images
© shutterstock

Blend Two Images

Elevate your photography to new heights by seamlessly blending two images
Dehaze Photos
© Dima Sytnik-

Dehaze Photos

Effortlessly reveal hidden details and vibrant colors
© Ksusha Kazak

Skin AI

Skin for flawless skin without imperfections
© Sherwin Magsino

Composition AI

Composition for perfect crops and perspective
Photo Filters
© AKan67

Photo Filters

Elevate your images with stunning photo filters
© Cuma Cevik

Sky AI

Sky for the effortless sky replacement

An application & plugin
For macOS & Windows

  • High-performance AI editor
  • 24/7 technical support

  • 30-day money back guarantee

  • Join community of Luminar Insiders

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a common photo size?

A photo can have any size, depending on its purpose. If your photo is too big for social media, file transferring, or printing, you can always easily resize it with an image resolution changer software like Luminar Neo.

Is Luminar Neo a good photo size editor?

Yes, you can use Luminar Neo to change the ratio of your image, or resize an image to a specific pixel size. It doesn’t reduce the quality of your image, and quickly lets you achieve a great result.

What is the aspect ratio of an image?

It’s the proportional relationship between its width and height. For example, you may see the aspect ratio represented as 4:3, 16:9, or 3:2, where the first number is width and the second number is height. It's important to consider the aspect ratio when resizing or cropping images to ensure they maintain the desired proportions and visual composition.

How to enlarge an image without losing quality with an image resizer?

Enlarging an image without losing quality is a challenging task because editing the photo dimensions of an image typically leads to a loss of sharpness and detail. However, you can keep a few tips in mind: resize the image gradually, preserve the aspect ratio, sharpen the resized image. You can also use a high-quality picture size converter like Luminar Neo that does the job for you.

How to resize an image for printing?

First of all, create a copy of your image. Then determine the required print size according to your needs. Open your image in an image editing software like Luminar Neo. Resize the image or change the image resolution, by entering the desired dimensions and resolution for your print. Preview and adjust, and then print the image.