Ever wanted to create those visually appealing black and white photos you often see in fashionable magazines or on the social media accounts of popular photographers?
Now you can with this pack of Templates designed especially for trendy black and white photos that make the mind wander. Channel your desired aesthetic, whether it’s obfuscated lights, sepia undertones, warm accents, or something else.
Your photos are bound to touch the soul.
What you’ll find in this pack (10 Templates):
Deep Space: This Template brings out a soft, slightly cool tone with a raised black point and added mist. Try it out on photos taken in the evening or on cloudy days.
Moody City: Bring out a unique atmosphere with this textured, edgy Template featuring warm highlights. Reminiscent of old movies.
Casino Royale: A soft Template with lowered highlights, slightly green and with a bit of grain.
Red Planet: Channel a subtle variation of sepia in this contrasting Template with greenish shadows and a slightly raised black point.
Contrast Steel: Try this contrasting Template with a slightly bluish tint on street photos.
Modern Sepia: A more modern version of sepia, with added noise and a slight glow for a faded, pensive look that is bound to make you dream.
One Color Accent: This black and white Template puts an emphasis on green, leaving it sharp and clear.
Duotone Sepia: Choose this clear and sharp Template in a sepia tone with blue accents hidden in the shadows for meditative photos.
Old-fashioned: A slightly warm reddish tone with a raised black point and slight noise perfectly complement this sharp and contrasting Template.
Flare Cold: This Template uses cold tones but with a pale red flare texture to bring attention to your lifestyle photos.
Keep in mind that a Template’s default effect might be too strong for your photo.
If it is, simply bring it back a bit with the Amount slider.
SHARE: Use the hashtag #madewithluminar on social media so the Skylum Team can take a look at your results!