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How the war in Ukraine affects Skylum’s operations

Dear Skylum family!

We’d like to take a moment to update you — our friends, colleagues, partners, and beloved photography community — about the current situation and the next steps for Skylum. This is an official statement about the most recent events in Ukraine and how they affect Skylum.

Key points:

  • Skylum was founded in Ukraine, and the majority of the team is here.

  • On February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine. This war has affected our homeland and our lives.

  • Despite everything, Skylum will continue operations so we can support our team and our country.

  • The Skylum team will do our best to honor agreements with partners and customers, but we kindly ask for your understanding during this very difficult time. 

  • Skylum is supporting Ukraine in a variety of ways, and by supporting Skylum you also support Ukraine’s fight for freedom.

Events in Ukraine: Russia’s invasion 

On February 24, Ukrainians in all major cities woke up to the sound of bombing. Simultaneously, Russian tanks and troops breached the Ukrainian border from the north, south, and east, invading our peaceful country of 44 million people and dramatically altering the course of history — and the course of our lives. Russia continues to attack not only military objects but also apartment blocks and residential buildingschildren’s hospitalsmaternity hospitals, kindergartens, cultural buildings, and humanitarian delegations. Over 3,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed so far, including more than 70 children. Thousands more are injured. 

Throughout the whole of Ukraine, ordinary people are forced to stay in bomb shelters or evacuate with their whole lives packed in suitcases, risking everything they have to get themselves and loved ones to safety. Three million people have already left Ukraine. Others cannot leave their homes, choose to volunteer, decide to stay and fight with local territorial defense units, or stay to care for elderly family members. Russia started a war against a peaceful nation that will never be forgotten or forgiven.

How the war in Ukraine affects Skylum’s operations  | Skylum Blog(3)

How the war has affected Skylum

Skylum was founded as Macphun in 2008 by two game developers and amateur photographers in Kyiv, Ukraine. Since then, Skylum has grown to be an international company. But to this day, the core development center where all major products like Luminar and Aurora HDR are created remains in Kyiv. 

In light of the war, we’re doing the best we can to ensure the safety of the whole Skylum team and continue to work for you as we have over the past 14 years. Our team of 130 people is now scattered around Ukraine and across the world. While it’s a challenge to keep up normal operations, the majority of the team is now working from different locations: bomb shelters, on the road, or in the homes of relatives and friends in safer locations.

What’s next for Skylum?

Team operations

For Skylum, the safety of our team members is our highest priority. We have already assembled a functional team of 88 people who are committed to making things work. In response to the war, some of our team members have also taken on new roles: helping with the transfer of people and their families to safe locations, delivering food and medicine, helping to settle in Western Ukraine or abroad, or assisting in other necessary ways. We are saving the position and salary for every teammate who serves in the army. 

Product delivery

Despite everything, we will do our best as a company to continue our work for our partners and our community of photographers who rely on our products. Because of the circumstances, there might be delays in updates, but the team is committed to delivering the most value to you as soon as possible. Our product team is working with customers right now to upgrade and improve Luminar Neo, and we will do our best to share news and keep you updated. We’re grateful for your patience, support, and understanding. That said, today we’ll release a product update for Luminar Neo, so stay tuned!

Safety of your data

Rest assured that we securely host all of our infrastructure and user data on Amazon Web Services. All servers for this cloud service are located in the European Union and are not in Ukraine, so you can be confident that your data is securely stored. You can find more information on how Skylum collects and stores user data in our Privacy Policy.

Next steps

Despite everything, we’ll continue to stand strong and further develop all of our products. For our team members who have reached safety, working can become a solace from the constant worrying news. Our vision hasn’t changed one bit; we’ll continue to create products that you love and that empower everyone to tell the visual stories they’ve envisioned.

Message from the Skylum CEO 

In light of the current situation, here is a video from Ivan Kutanin, the CEO of Skylum. Ivan shares his thoughts about Ukraine and Skylum:

Follow Ivan on Twitter to stay up to date.

How Skylum is helping now 

Skylum is helping Ukraine in every way we can. As of now:

  • Skylum has donated $50,000 to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

  • Ivan Kutanin, the CEO of Skylum, helps by purchasing thermographic cameras and emergency tourniquets (to provide first aid in ambulances, in the field during military operations, and in other extreme situations).

  • We have discontinued the availability of our products in Russia and Belarus. 

  • The majority of the team is regularly donating their own money and supplies to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine and people in need, volunteering, gathering humanitarian help, and taking part in territorial defense teams. 

You can support Ukraine in various ways: 

The Skylum team is currently brainstorming more activities to help Ukraine. If you have any suggestions, please email us at [email protected]

Skylum promises you that we will continue to work as best we can towards a brighter, more peaceful future! It will be challenging, and we will be eternally grateful if you support us and support Ukraine in today’s fight.

Finally, Skylum team members have a short message for you:

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to our users and partners for your understanding and kind support in these troubled times. Thank you for supporting our company and our products. With your help, we will support Ukraine until victory and win the fight for freedom and democracy. Stand with Ukraine!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to our users and partners for your understanding and kind support in these troubled times. Thank you for supporting our company and our products. With your help, we will support Ukraine until victory and win the fight for freedom and democracy. Stand with Ukraine!

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