Like shooting with drones or simply taking photographs from above? Not sure how to make your photos look incredible? If you’re photographing outdoors and from up high, these 10 glorious Presets by the Skylum Team will make your photos look incredible and give your drone shots an unforgettable effect. Choose the Preset you like — vivid, faded, atmospheric, colorful, or toned down. There are plenty of Presets in this pack that will make your urban or nature shots look fresh and magnetic.You’ll find in this pack 10 Presets:Nature: A natural Preset with vivid details enhancementBright: A vivid Preset with built-in landscape features and rich detailsDusk: A low-contrast Preset with light cold tonesCozy: A high-contrast Preset with slightly cold shadowsSunset: A warm Preset for sunsets shotsDaylight: A bright daytime Preset with vibrant details and slightly green shadowsGloom: A cold, cinematic Preset with slight noiseRich: A vivid Preset with a built-in vignetteNeutral: A soft daylight Preset with a raised black point and an accent on warm tonesIcy: A high-contrast cold Preset with a slightly raised black point and low grainKeep in mind that a Preset’s default effect might be too strong for your photo. If it is, simply switch to the Edits tab and adjust the tools according to your taste.Don’t forget to share your results! Use the hashtag #madewithluminar on social media so the Skylum Team can take a look at your work!