Decoding The Visual Puzzle With 10 Best Optical Illusions
August 12, 2024

Want to impress your audience? Surprise them with photos from optical illusions! Today, in our blog, we will talk about famous optical illusions and give several examples you can repeat. It will be exciting!
The human brain is amazing. It can interpret visual information differently, depending on the setting, color, geometry, and other factors. Optical illusions can take many forms, ranging from images of animals to animated figures. Optical illusions are not new. They have been present in various cultures and have fascinated and puzzled people for centuries. These illusions often become viral in social networks because the human brain observes interesting and intriguing images.
In this article, you will find optical illusion examples that can inspire you to create your images. You will also learn how to experiment with creating photo illusions using Luminar NEO. Without further ado, here we go!
10 The Best Optical Illusions Pictures
1. Floating Ship

Let's start with an illusion that is not only easy to see in nature but also easy to photograph. Although photographers, painters, sculptors, designers, and other artists create most optical illusions by hand, nature can also surprise. The so-called flying ship is the most famous optical illusion you can see. No, not the one that looks like a plane or an alien saucer. An ordinary sea vessel is not in the sea but levitates above the water surface. This phenomenon occurs due to specific weather conditions known as temperature inversion. When cold air is near the water and warm air above it, cold air is denser than warm air, distorting the appearance of a distant object relative to an observer on the shore.
2. The Phantom Queen
The next so-called mirage was skillfully created by man. This illusion was the winner in 2021 among the rest of the optical puzzles. It was demonstrated on video. Its essence is that it shows the reflection of the invisible queen on the chessboard. The mirror is deceiving us at a certain angle, but when the video rotates, it reveals an elaborate 3D shape that matches the checkerboard pattern. The queen is hidden behind her, which creates the impression that she is invisible and can only be seen in the mirror. Of course, by changing the viewing angle, the whole illusion becomes obvious.
If you want to create a similar illusion in the photo, you do not need additional 3D designs. Explore mirror photography ideas and use Luminar Neo to create an illusion. For example, the GenSwap tool helps you remove a desired element from an image so you can create the illusion of an invisible object reflected in a mirror. It works not only with chess pieces, so be bold with your imagination and ideas.
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Get Luminar Neo Now3. The Hidden Tiger
The next amazing drawing depicts a tiger. Wait, it is better to say — tigers! It is a clever illustrated optical illusion from the artist. At first glance, this is an image of an ordinary tiger in the jungle. But if you look closely, you can see The Hidden Tiger. Can you spot it in the image? Only some people can see it right away. But once you notice, you'll smile at how much it was right in front of your eyes the whole time!
4. The Cat on the Stairs
Let's move from illustrations back to photos. And from big cats to small ones we are used to. It is an image that divides Internet users into two categories; let's decide which one you belong to! The question is simple - does the cat go up the stairs or down? Don't wait for the right answer. We don't have it. This illusion has been floating around the Internet since 2015, and we still don't know where the cat is going. Try repeating this image with your pet and ask your audience which direction it is moving.
5. How Many Horses in the Picture?
Another illusion that has been confusing viewers since the 1970s. Spectators have many options. The most popular are 3 and 7. And how many did you count? Artist Bev Doolittle, who created this perfect illusion, claims to have drawn five animals. It's amazing how easily things can be hidden or disguised in plain sight. There are many such examples. Some of them can be created even without artistic skills. Would you try?
6. The Spinning Vortex
The best optical illusion pictures are simple in structure. There are images with lines, curls, two or three colors, and that's it! What is the meaning of such images? The fact that they seem to be moving. Our brain itself adds movement where there is none. These are examples of so-called physiological optical illusions. They arise due to excessive stimulation of the brain's senses. As a result, our eyes see colors that are not there, extra shapes, movement, etc. Such illusions have a hypnotic effect and attract attention. Combining different patterns, lights, and levels makes your mind think and fantasize. To stop the chaos in the image, focus on its center.
You don't need to be an illustrator to create this effect. In fact, we can see something similar in quite ordinary photos or videos. Learn more about What is Moire in Photography and how you can enhance it. This effect is considered undesirable in pictures, but if you want to create the illusion of a moving image, you should learn to play with it skillfully.
7. The Expanding Black Hole
An optical illusion similar to the previous one shows us the center of a black hole, which expands as soon as your gaze falls into it. But in reality, the image does not move at all. According to a Frontiers in Human Neuroscience report, more than 86% of viewers see the shape expand. However, for some, the image remains unchanged. Which ones are you?
8. The Horse’s Direction
It is one optical illusion from the natural world. In this example, a black horse moves on white snow. Light and color distort our perception, and when we don't see more objects in the frame relative to which we can catch the horse's movement, it seems to us that the animal is moving towards us, then away from us. Some people may see a clear movement in one direction, while for most people, this illusion seems like the direction is constantly changing, and it confuses us. The more you try to concentrate, the less you understand what is happening at all! It is not surprising that the video with this illusion became viral at one time. So that you can continue to live peacefully, we will give the solution to this case. It was confirmed that the horse was moving away.
You can create something similar on images. For example, use motion blur edit from Luminar Neo for your image. Try applying the motion effect in the opposite direction to the object. This effect will confuse the viewer's brain because the logic of the movement will be destroyed.
9. AI-Generated Optical Illusions
Artificial intelligence is an integral part of our present. It is no wonder that there are already many successfully generated images that amaze our brains. Most often, these are hybrid images that look different depending on certain factors, such as the size of the image when viewed, the distance of our eyes to it, lighting, viewing angle, etc. AI generates images with so-called factorized diffusion. It is created by decomposing an image into the sum of components, such as grayscale and color components or high and low frequencies. To make such images yourself with the help of AI, you need to set the parameters correctly. The more accurate they are, the more perfect the illusion is.
10. The World's Oldest Optical Illusion
When discussing such amazing phenomena, it is impossible to pass by the oldest optical illusion known to us, with an elephant and a bull carved on a stone. A sculpture fragment with this image is in the Airavateshwara temple in Tamil Nadu, India. Amongst the stunning Dravidian architecture of the 12th century, numerous stone-carved ornaments of chariots and avatars were found. Among them is the figure of two creatures with one head. They are supposedly connected. If you focus on the beast on the right, you will see an elephant; if you focus on the animal on the left, you will see a bull. The mystery of what it is still needs to be solved. What do you see in this picture illusion?
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EXPLORE NOW!Ideas for Creating Simple Optical Photo Illusions
1. Forced Perspective
You have seen such pictures from other photographers. These include photos of tourists "holding" or "pushing" the Leaning Tower of Pisa, as well as people holding the setting sun in the palm of their hand. Thanks to the correct angle of the camera, the illusion of interaction with a distant object is created.
2. Stairs in Escher Style
Like the example of the cat on the stairs and the image created by M.C. Escher, you can make a photo with the deception of spatial perception. You can create an illusion by catching the right angle and cutting off the excess for the right composition.
3. Reflection of Water
By aligning an object with its reflection in water, you can create surreal images where the real and the reflected merge seamlessly. For example, a photo of a mountain reflected in a completely still lake creates a symmetrical image that makes it difficult to distinguish the real mountain from its reflection.
4. Face or Landscape
This effect is created because the brain interprets random patterns as faces. You can take a picture of a landscape that resembles a human face. Or make it so by using the effects of adding and cutting elements in Luminar Neo.
5. Surreal Shadows
Another effect where Luminar Neo will help you is By manipulating light and shadows. You can create images where the shadows cast do not match the objects that cast them. It will make for exciting and confusing scenes. For example, a photo of a person standing next to a lamppost where their shadow shows them holding an umbrella or doing something different from their actual pose. It is easily achieved by combining two images of the same scene but with other components.
Bottom Line
Explore the world of optical illusions to develop your imagination and get inspired to create interesting compositions. Remember about a faithful assistant in creating magical images — Luminar Neo. And let your optical illusions become viral and conquer the Internet!