

How to Resize an Image in Photoshop

14 min. to read

Read on to find out how to enlarge or crop your images properly.
How To Use Content Aware Fill in Photoshop

20 min. to read

Discover the power of Content Aware Fill in Photoshop, a transformative feature that can elevate your photo editing to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nuances of using Photoshop Content Aware Fill to seamlessly blend and repair images.
Modern Photo Format HEIC: How to Create, Edit, Open, and Convert it

18 min. to read

If you take many photos for personal archives or SMM projects, saving storage space is more relevant than ever. Because high-quality images have big sizes. One day, it may happen that the memory on your phone will be complete.
Simple about complicated: the secrets of taking long exposure photos on iPhone

16 min. to read

iPhone long exposure photos create smooth transitions, thanks to the fact that the camera shutter was left open long enough.
How to Crop Pictures on MacBook Pro?

21 min. to read

Cropping a photo can change its look in a very noticeable way - you can make the composition better. Here we leave you with a simple guide on how to crop a photo on Mac.
How to Photograph the Moon

25 min. to read

Throughout history, poets, dreamers, and artists have been enchanted by the moon’s heavenly aura and spellbinding features. It poses challenges and opportunities for photographers. You can either be fascinated by the silvery halo of a full moon, the mysteriously dark shadow of a crescent, or a series of interactions between light, clouds, and the moon’s radiance.
What is ISO in Photography

12 min. to read

What is ISO in photography and why does it matter so much?
How to Merge Images in Photoshop: Step-by-Step Guide

11 min. to read

With the ability to combine individual photos into one document, our creativity in Photoshop is limited only by our own skills and imagination.

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