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photo editor

Use e-commerce image editing to improve image quality by adjusting brightness, contrast, sharpness, and color balance. Make your products look more vibrant and attractive with Luminar Neo.

Luminar Neo for E-commerce in action

Enhance your e-commerce presence by making your product images more appealing 
and professional.

Before After

How to maximize your e-commerce potential with a product photo editor?

You can use a product image editor to highlight important product details. Zoom in on intricate features, textures, or unique selling points to showcase the quality and value of your products.

Before After
Before After

Why is seamless e-commerce photo editing vital for your brand’s success?

You can use a product image editor to highlight important product details. Zoom in on intricate features, textures, or unique selling points to showcase the quality and value of your products.

How to maximize your e-commerce potential with a product photo editor?

You can use a product image editor to highlight important product details. Zoom in on intricate features, textures, or unique selling points to showcase the quality and value of your products.

Before After

An application & plugin.
For macOS & Windows

Navigating the landscape of
e-commerce product photo editing

Luminar Neo has lots of features you can use for product editing.
For example, Background Removal AI easily removes the background behind your product:

Select an image: click the Edit tab

Layers Properties: select the Masking tab and choose Background Removal AI

Selection: Select the chosen main object or choose from additional elements found in the image.

Remove the background: Click “Remove” to initiate the Background Removal process. Luminar Neo will remove the image’s background, revealing a transparent checkbox background.

Click Refinement Brush for additional finetuning: A Transition Mask will appear, highlighting Transition in a white checkerboard pattern, Object in orange, and Background in blue. Select a brush and apply it
to refine each section.

The final image will appear with a transparent background. Use Layers to add a new background and move the layer to the bottom of the Layers palette. This will reveal the image on a new background.

Explore other features

Luminar Neo has plenty of other features to
help you edit faster and easier. 

Relight AI

Bring back natural light in your photos.


Get rid of imperfections in one click.

Skin AI

Create flawless portraits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to edit e-commerce photos with Luminar Neo?

Luminar Neo can help you edit e-commerce photos with ease. Start with basic adjustments to improve the overall quality of the image: adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, and color temperature to ensure accurate representation. Consider removing the background or enhancing it to create a clean, distraction-free look. Remove dust, scratches, or any imperfections and enhance details and textures to highlight the product's quality. Ensure color accuracy and consistency across all images. Resize images to fit your e-commerce platform's requirements. Add a watermark or logo using Layers. It’s all easy to do in Luminar Neo!

What types of editing options are available specifically for e-commerce photos?

Use Background Removal AI to remove the background, achieve a consistent look across all your photos with Presets or LUTs (using the mood tool), use Crop AI for uniform sizes, Enhance AI for applying dozens of adjustments in a click. Add a watermark or logo in Layers. To top it all, you can easily copy paste your edits across the whole batch of photos.

Can I add logos or watermarks to my product images using the e-commerce photo editor?

Sure! Head over to the Layers tool and add any Overlay you like. Place it on your photo, adjust Opacity, Flip, Rotate or Resize until you achieve a look you’re satisfied with.

Can I customize the dimensions of my product images for different platforms using this tool?

Of course! Use the CropAI tool for specific aspect ratios. You can select a popular one for the social media of your choice, or enter a custom one.

App Requirements


Mac Model

MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac Pro, Mac mini, early 2010 or newer


CPU Intel® Core™ i5 8 Gen or better

OS version

macOS 12.0 or higher.


Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)

Disk space

Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance


1280x768 size or better



Windows-based hardware PC with mouse or similar input device


CPU Intel® Core™ i5 8 Gen or better, AMD Ryzen™ 5 or better

OS version

10 version 1909 or higher (only 64-bit OS)


Memory 8 GB RAM or more (16+ GB RAM is recommended)

Disk space

Hard disk 10 GB free space; SSD for best performance


1280x768 size or better


Open GL 3.3 or later compatible graphics card

Ecommerce Photo Editing for Business: E-Commerce Photo Editor Luminar Neo(8)